Abraham Hamilton III
Abraham Hamilton, III is a husband, father of five wonderful children, lawyer, home-school dad, and a Bible Teacher. He now serves American Family Association as its General Counsel and Public Policy Analyst. Abraham also hosts “The Hamilton Corner” on Urban Family Talk Monday through Friday at 3 p.m. CST and can be heard on numerous programs on American Family Radio. He has an undergraduate degree in New Testament Biblical Literature from Oral Roberts University and a Juris Doctor degree from Loyola University New Orleans College of Law. Abe is a member of the Louisiana State Bar Association, the Houston Bar Association, the Texas Bar Association, and the Federal Bar Association. He is licensed to practice before all Louisiana State Courts, the United States District Court for the Eastern, Middle, and Northern Districts of Louisiana, as well as all Texas State Courts. In the legal profession, Abe served as a criminal prosecutor. He handled major felony prosecutions at the trial level. Additionally, Abraham’s ministerial focuses include Marriage, Family, Apologetics, Biblical Worldview Training, Discipleship Formation, and Preaching.