Rev. Dr. Charles Mock
Pastor Mock prefers the title Pastor or Servant Leader instead of Reverend, Bishop, or Elder. He takes his pastoral job description from Jesus, Servant of God who stated that He was sent by His heavenly not to be served but to serve and give His life as a ransom for many. As of 2016 Pastor Mock has been married to the former Jennifer Groomes for 43 years. They have two children, Brentin and Kristin. They have 4 grandchildren.
Pastor Mock is a highly committed, personal, passionate and compassionate Servant. He has a diverse history of church leadership and organizational experience.
Project and Operational Management:
Developed and Implemented a Disaster Relief Management System during the Katrina disaster in New Orleans. This resulted in a national, state, city connectional system for local church disaster relief responses in dollars and material items.This required a data base, analysis of responses, mediation, policy recommendations to the President of the National Baptist Convention President and the Home Mission Board.
Initiative: Spearheaded the development of a new, non-profit faith-based organization called CLAIM, INC. while President of the Pennsylvania Baptist State Convention which resulted in statewide cooperation of churches for the development of government funded educational and computer training programs in churches. Served as Chief Executive Officer
Initiative: Developed a non-profit organization called ACE at Shiloh Baptist Church for community engagement
and served as Chief Operating Officer
Staff Development: Organized well-received Retreats for Home Mission Board staff and volunteers for
educational development in Mission-centered Evangelism; Mentored and coached Home Mission volunteers
resulting in a 12% increase the mission budget.
Organizer: Co-organized an inter-denominational, and interracial City-Wide Revival for 7 consecutive years in
Harrisburg, PA.
Organizer: Conceptualized & Coordinated City-wide Interdenominational and interracial “ALL LIVES MATTER”
March and Worship Service in Erie, PA
Chairman/Executive Director
September 1999 to September 2014
Home Mission Board, National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. - Nashville, Tennessee and Erie, PA
Developed a VISA (Vision, Integrity, Structure and Accountability) Mission Policy Manual for the Home Mission Board and instituted a Retreat for continuing education on its implementation.
Instructed Pastors and lay leaders across the United States in Evangelism and Mission; taught Prophetic Evangelism and Public Policy Advocacy at American Baptist College while Chairman/Executive Director of the Home Mission Board.
Director/Lead Organizer of the African American Leadership Commission
November 1999 to June 2011
Gamaliel International Foundation, Inc. - Chicago, Illinois
Recruited 24 new churches to affiliate with and provide financial support to Gamaliel, Inc. Instructed pastors and lay leaders in Gamaliel’s Faith-based Community Organizing Methodology and Strategies. New Churches brought additional revenue to the social justice advocacy of the Gamaliel Foundation.
Pastor/Chief Administrator
March 1994 to July 2004, Shiloh Baptist Church - Erie, Pennsylvania
Awarded Doctor of Ministry Degree in 2016
New Brunswick Theological Seminary - New Brunswick, New Jersey, United States
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, Master of Divinity degree, 1975-1978