Jesse Holguin
Shootings. Violence. Revenge. Ex-gang member Jesse Holguin lived a life of bloody retaliations, run-ins with police, and violence on the streets of Los Angeles, until one moment caused him to turn his life around. He now works to lead Latinos away from the Left and back towards their faith. Jesse’s incredible personal story of redemption takes him from the jail house to the White House.
Jesse has grown a movement on a multitude of social media platforms called LEXIT. His organization, LEXIT, has created a huge movement reaching millions of engagements. By utilizing memes, videos and expressing conservative opinions in the digital public square, Jesse, along with his LEXIT Ambassadors across the country ensures that young Latinos not be captivated by the leftist narrative and the Democratic Party. In a culture where many intend to make the church and God irrelevant, Jesse’s work is monumental in destroying the propaganda spread by liberalism, Marxism and radical sexualization infecting the country!