Linda Paine — COCS

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Linda Paine

Linda Paine

President, Co-Founder

Election Integrity Project California, Inc. (EIPCa)


Linda has always had a passion for people and a deep love for America. After becoming concerned about destructive legislation being passed in California, she began the journey of learning how to be civically involved. Linda co-founded the Tea Party group in Santa Clarita, CA; she co-founded the SoCal Liberty Coalition of citizen activists in southern CA; and in December 2010 she co-founded the Election Integrity Project, Inc. (EIP).



Since January, 2011 Election Integrity Project volunteers have diligently researched voter rolls and have trained approximately 7,000 volunteers across the state to observe polling locations and report their observations. The information they provided has been used to educate citizens about the deteriorating integrity in CA elections and provide reports to county Registrars and the Secretary of State regarding concerns in the California electoral process.

In 2015 the California Advisory Committee to the United States Commission on Civil Rights held a public hearing to review EIP’s reports, civil grand jury reports, and national reports regarding how CA is doing compared to the rest of the national. This committee heard testimony from approximately 80 citizens from counties all over the state describing their documentation of the lack of integrity in CA elections.

By the end of election year 2016 Election Integrity Project’s documentation revealed a pattern of actions that can result in the transformation of a state by using the electoral process to manipulate elections. The pattern includes massively bloated voter rolls, corrupt legislation, and the deterioration of integrity in the electoral process that opens the door to fraud.

In March of 2017, Linda Paine and Ruth Weiss founded the nonprofit organization Election Integrity Project California, Inc. (EIPCa) to continue the work of the Election Integrity Project. On July 21, 2017, EIPCa was officially recognized as a 501(c)(3) California public benefit nonprofit corporation.