Lori Hoye — COCS

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Lori Hoye

Lori Hoye

The Issues4life Foundation targets and works directly with Black American leaders nationwide to strengthen their stand against abortion on demand and resolve the questions surrounding the bioethical issues that impact our humanity. We are committed to protecting both the civil and human rights of the child in the womb by recognizing the inherent dignity and unalienable rights of all members of the human family, so that in law and in practice every life is valued. Lori & Walter Hoye are frequent guest speaker for The Content of Character Series.

Our mission is to end abortion by raising awareness of the impact of abortion and the biblically immoral implementation of unethical biotechnology in Black America. We're Pro-Life unto the saving of the soul. So, we're taking the Pro-Life message where the Pro-Life movement cannot go.

We believe being human is enough to be protected by love and by law. As such, our strategy is to settle the facts. Who is the baby and what does abortion do to him or her. Today, human biology is revealing. The biological evidence for the humanity of the child in the womb is undeniable.

Black America. Since abortion was legalized in 1973, more Black American babies have been killed by abortion than the total number of Black American deaths from all other causes combined.