Pastor David Manila
Pastor David is available as a speaker for Schools, Organizations, Corporations, Churches and Law Enforcement Agencies. Pastor David speaks to At-Risk youth and gang members about the problems they face unless they choose another way. Jesus Christ is the way and the Life. It’s all about choices, some lead to happiness and unity and others lead to pain and separation. What Pastor David says makes sense to them. They have tried everything else, and nothing worked. Desire for Sin proves to be a poor choice that leads to a life of fear, anger, loneliness, and self-destruction. A way out has been provided. We simply must choose to accept it. It’s all about learning how to use free will and participate creatively in the creation out of love and response-ability to the Kingdom, the Kingdom that is the inheritance of all God's sons and daughters.
Today, David serves the Lord full-time. He is the pastor of OceanGate Ministries church in Hawthorn, CA. David is also, pastor and founder of Ultimate Vision Church in Inglewood, CA. They are reaching out to inner city youth and young adults, with the love of Jesus.