Call of Duty
The Content of Character Series™ affirms the value and dignity of every cultural group in America through the Judeo-Christian ethic that undergirds our nation. Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. envisioned a world where we are judged by the content of our character, not by the color of our skin. This event presents our successes and hindrances in the achievement of that dream touching ALL AMERICANS. Experience the power of one race, one blood, as one in Christ. Examine the difference between social and biblical justice and the cultural information campaign designed to disrupt our Judeo-Christian values. We are called to be part of something bigger than what any one of us can do alone.
Hawthorne, CA
Event Information:
DATE AND TIME OF EVENT: Saturday, September 24, 2022 | 8:30am check-in. Program begins promptly at 9:00am - 3:30pm
LOCATION OF EVENT: Oceangate Ministries, 13443 Ocean Gate Ave, Hawthorne, CA 90250
BEST AIRLINE LOCATION: LAX – Los Angeles International
COST OF EVENT: Individual tickets are $20
DONATIONS: We are a tax-deductible 501c3 ministry. If you would like to donate before the event, please… and thank you!
Donate online Here or Make checks payable to Content of Character Series
Send Check to Content of Character Series c/o Salt & Light Council, 991 Lomas Santa Fe Dr. C-119, Solana Beach, CA 92075
EXHIBITORS/SPONSORS: Contact Nancy Wheeler 888 725-8654 or email Please click on buttons above for details on Display Booth & Advertising options.
QUESTIONS FOR EVENT: Call 888.725.8654

Speaker Topics:
Parties, Platforms & Values